They’re still man’s best friend. Their loyalty, enhanced senses, and natural instincts make them naturals in security and personal protection settings. The statistics listed here represent a typical specimen of an average dog used in security, such as the German shepherd, Rottweiler, and Doberman Pinscher.
[table]B |A |R |S |W |L |I |C |E |ESS
4 |3 |4 |4 |3 |2 |4 |3 |3 |6[/table]
Initiative 8 + 1D6
Movement x2/x8/+4
Condition Monitor 10/10
Limits Physical 6, Mental 4, Social 5
Armor 0
Skills Intimidation 4, Perception (Smell) 5 (+2), Running 5, Tracking 6, Unarmed Combat 5
Powers Enhanced Senses (Hearing, Smell), Natural Weapon (Claws/Bite: DV (STR+1)P, AP —)