Breath of Summer
2075/6 Persistent Game World Thread set in 2070sI’m looking for some players for a trip down memory lane to the wilds of 2071. We’ll be using SR5 rules and having an NPC hacker (if required) so that we can gloss over the changes to the matrix system (and you can get wifi bonuses without worrying about them being hacked – of course your opposition can too!). You’ll either be relatively green runners, or perhaps ones seriously down on their luck. The run is an extraction and will begin in Seattle, involve a jaunt to San Francisco and a journey back home again. Depending on the number of interested PCs I might divide this up a bit to allow for realistic group sizes.
I am trying to encourage increasingly collaborative pbp in my games so there will be quite a bit of leeway to influence the course of events.
Character Gen:
Sum to 10, runner buildContacts:
In addition to the normal contacts you get 40 points additional for free (with the normal restrictions on a max 7 points per contact). As they were free you might find those contacts dry up faster than normal, or demand more of you (everything has a price, right?).Advancement / Rewards:
As with other games set in our Persistent Game World there are bonus karma points available for inputting your character, pics etc, onto our campaign page on Obsidian Portal. Please let me know your user name and I will get you an invite. The reawrds are 1 karma for putting your character on OP, 1 karma for a pic, 1 for a description and 2 for a detailed character background. Any contact or location write up counts as an IC post for ongoing rewards… and over the course of the game every 2 IC posts will give you 1 karma and 2000 nuyen.
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