Reply To: The Socialite's New Clothes IC

  • Tecumseh

    April 5, 2019 at 12:56 am

    “I’m sure security will give me a pass if I’m with you,” Ichante says dryly.

    They catch a waterfront trolley, which rolls south toward the looming massiveness of the ACHE. There’s a transit hub not far from there with options leading east. The oranges make her shake her head a bit. Only in Downtown would they think to sell fresh fruit on the street. Corpers. She wonders if the oranges are for them or for the orphans. She likes grapefruits better, but she’s never turned down fresh fruit in her life.

    Ichante also wonders about Lady Tanya’s security. She had shown up at the hotel half-expecting (okay, mostly expecting) Monique to drive them to Redmond in an Ares Roadmaster. Transit plus walking is decidedly… pedestrian for a capital-L Lady.

    “Are you armed?” Ichante asks once they’re seated and in transit. “A tazer, anything? Based on the specifications for the dress, I’m not even going to ask if you’re armored.”

    Ichante looks around. It’s Monday morning and transit is mostly full of sleepy commuters, some headed toward the downtown core while others finish up their late shifts and head home. Unsurprisingly, there seem to be a lot of the latter headed to Redmond with the ladies.

    “Bold of you to assume I can protect you. I did say I had military training, but that was just 12 months.” She leaves off the 48 months of reserve duty, fearing that it undermines her point. “I don’t remember the last time I actually shot at something. I wonder if I remembered to load it? Hmm.” Again, it’s unclear if she’s serious or this is her sense of humor.