Reply To: Forbidding Aegis IC

  • beta

    June 22, 2019 at 12:05 am

    Dewie whispered something to Addie that sounded a bit like “Choms ta zap, soso weer. Ooglies ta!”. After a moment Addie realized she could make out his accented city speak dialect, after multiple exposures.

    And he was right, all of their rescuers were moving around way too fast for reality, and they were stranger than the cast of a grid. A ill-kept old man, a soldier with a thick German accent, and the most ridiculous part: TWO dryad warrior women.

    She whispered back “Yah! I think you are right. Too fast, too strange. I didn’t even see my first dryad in person until I was ten.” She still remembered the heartbreak of realizing that she would never be as stunning and graceful as that. The one back by the escape tunnel hadbeen like that one she’d seen at the airport all those years ago, she could almost imagine they were the same, but that was probably just a dryad thing.

    Memories continued to unpack themselves, after she’d seen the Dryad, some old human guy had been kissing an elf woman and her Mother had muttered something about paid escorts, which had caused ten year old Addie to discover some disgusting information on the matrix. Actually the man had had a jacket a lot like the one the man here had. Were old leather jackets an annoying old man thing?

    Then the time for reverie was done: the door flew into the room, and Addie and Dewie were back pedaling as they tried to figure igure out frying pan or fire?