Reply To: Forbidding Aegis IC

  • adamu

    July 24, 2019 at 5:16 pm

    Al was delighted to see Isaint’s message, but there was no time at the moment for a reply. Ex-G shot off a mammoth bolt of lighting (shards and psionic doublespeak to kingdom come – Al knew Satanism when he saw it), then Batshit tossed a grenade. Al followed her lead and pulled back around the corner, where he crouched, covered his ears, squeezed his eyes shut, and kept his mouth wide open until after the detonation.

    When it came, he barely heard it over the clamor of the voodoo gods as they announced their return. “Hope ya enjoyed yer little smoke break, assholes,” Al muttered under his breath.

    Leaning around the corner, he raised his rifle and started chanting. Time to see if bullets hurt this thing.