Reply To: Marseilles Madness IC

  • bakuinvestigations

    August 30, 2017 at 12:56 pm

    Monday, March 22, 2077; 07:17
    Terrass Hotel, Paris; Baku

    Baku lets out a quick breath, and shakes the sleep out of his head. There are many details to take care of, and he can’t miss any of them. He proceeds to multitask.

    He taps the icon to stop recording on his comm, and says out loud to no one obvious “Karei?” He then purges all metadata and video from the recording. “One of these days, I need to get me an agent program to transcribe these for me,” he thinks as there is a “bleep bleep” coming from a small video drone in its’ charging dock. The drone replies “Hai!”

    “Take a note: I need to reevaluate my fees,” he says as he transfers the modified recording to an empty datachip. “Hai!” replies the drone then “bleeps” twice again indicating it is working on the command. He then purges all traces of the recording from the commlink.

    Baku then collects one of his silver grade credsticks and connects it to his other comm. The drone let out a single “bleep” to signal the command finished successfully. “Karei, take another note,” he said as he commanded the new comm to generate a single use routing number for the attached credstick. The dutiful drone replies “Hai!” again. “Orly Airport, Gate 2, eleven hundred,” he spoke as he transferred the generated routing number to his first comm. “Hai!” came from the little drone again, along with the two “bleep” signal.

    Baku then sent the generated routing number to Miss Rhea Kynn for her to transfer the agreed upon retainer. The drone let out the single “bleep” signal showing that the last command completed successfully. Still using his “secret” comm, Baku sent the following text to Rhea Kynn, while packing his things.

    <<Rhea Kynn> I need a bit of clarification on what you are looking for from me. You already know the target, as well as it’s location. Should I dig up anything and everything I can? Or limit my work to just motive and employer?>>

    Baku then turned back to his daily driver commlink, and scheduled a taxi to pick him up from the hotel at 8:00AM. He checked if the funds had transferred yet, but they hadn’t. So he headed into the bathroom and started a shower. Seeing his reflection in the mirror, it reminded him to drop his Mask. He went back to his daily use comm, and verified the transfer was complete. He purchased a basic Russian language tutorsoft with the new funds, and while that was downloading he connected a standard grade credstick and transferred five hundred nuyen from the silver ‘stick to the standard.

    With that complete, he detached the credsticks and took the daily comm with him into the bathroom. He started up the Russian tutorsoft and proceeded to take a shower.
