Reply To: Found Arcana – chapter 3 IC

  • beta

    September 15, 2019 at 4:41 pm

    Greta suddenly breaks away from fawning over Mato’s chrome, looking up at the ceiling, where the drones and skittering around the swirling tracks much faster than before. “Someone must be being naughty.” Apparently reading something in the pattern of the drones she she looks across the room. Mato tracks her eyes and sees Bobby wandering into the room, looking fairly out of place.

    A.M. was facing the door that she and Mato had entered the room from, so sees Kevin–the burly if past-his-prime human security guard–hurry into the room and scan the crowd with a gaze that didn’t look faded at all.

    Bobby has only come a few steps into the room when he feels eyes start tracking in his direction. The herd instinct in here seems strong, and the awareness that something is wrong seems to have moved through the room in a flash.