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The Found Arcana – Fourth Interlude [OOC]
The Found Arcana – Fourth Interlude [OOC]
Posted by Tecumseh on July 28, 2020 at 2:30 pmHere’s what you currently know about your neighborhood:
Here’s our shared lifestyle:
Game calendar so far, all dates 2078:
Chapter 1: Sunday, September 18
Chapter 2: Monday, September 26
First Interlude: Saturday, October 1
Chapter 3: Monday, October 10
Second Interlude: Sunday, October 16
Chapter 4: Sunday, November 6
Third Interlude: Wednesday, November 23
Chapter 5: Thursday, November 24
Fourth Interlude: Sunday, November 27
I debated for a long time about which scene to run. There’s one that makes a lot of sense, but the danger of it spiraling out of control is too high. It will make more sense later, when it could better lead into another chapter (like the Third Interlude set the stage for Chapter 5).
The Fourth Interlude also has that risk, but it’s more about a decision or – as beta once called it – a ‘bang’. I have a suspicion about what the team will choose, but I’ll put it out there to see for sure.
Tecumseh replied 4 years, 1 month ago 4 Members · 58 Replies -
58 Replies
Bobby „MadCat“ Walker (Amerindian)
Karma Spend/Total: 148/155 (5 from Starting Karma)
Chapter 1: 8k reward turns to 6800 after taxes – all that goes to reduce the In Debt quality down from 30.000 to 23.200
Spending 4 Karma to reduce the quality down to In Debt II.
10 Karma go to Flesh Sculpter quality, 15 Karma go to Taboo Transformer, leaving me with 1 Karma
Spending 4 Karma to buy off In Debt IIChapter 2: 10000 Nuyen payout, 8500 after taxes. 1850+150 ear marked for lifestyle share, reducing debt by 6200 to 17.000,
End of the month increases it to 18.700 Nuyen. Rest goes to money in handInterlude:
Karma: 2 karma, enough to buy off a rank of In Debt if you can afford it
Contact: Katsuo “Andrew” Musai, Yakuza sergeant, at Connection 4, Loyalty 1
Knowledge Skills (general): 3 points to spend as you please, to either buy new knowledge skill(s) and/or to add to existing knowledge skills, the goal being to advance things that are often afterthoughts. Spend these the same way you would in chargen (e.g. a specialization costs 1 skill point).
Knowledge Skill (specific): Sioux Sign Language at rank 1. This is from Native American Nations, Volume 1. It’s good for secure, non-verbal communication when wireless is unavailable or inadvisable. Granted, this was much more common in 1E-3E than it is now, but I think it’s something that Bobby might be able to mime while in some of his animal forms.Chapter 3:
Karma: 25
Contact: Jhonney Morad (Arms Dealer),(Connection: 3,Loyalty: 1)Knowledge Skill: Small Unit Tactics 1
Money: 8000 Nuyen, 6800 after taxes. 1500 go to Lifestyle (left 5300), 500 go to Lysander (left 4900), 4700 go to reduce Debt
Debt 18.700 reduced to 14.000. At the end of the next month this increases back up to 15.400 Nuyen
200 go to Money on handInterlude:
Karma: 2
Contact: +1 Loyalty, Katsuo “Andrew” Musai (now Loyalty 2)
Knowledge Skill (specific): +1 Sioux Sign Language
Knowledge Skills (general): 3 points: +1 Small Unit Tactics (having seen the gang in Action), New Knowledge Skill Gangs (Redmond) for 2Chapter 4:
Karma: 20
Money: 14250 Nuyen, 12.112 after taxes.
Debt 15,400 reduced to 3,400, 112 go to money on handInterlude 2:
Karma: 2 – spend on Battle Hardened I (Discounted)
Knowledge Skills (general): 3 points to spend as you please, to either buy new knowledge skill(s) and/or to add to existing knowledge skills, the goal being to advance things that are often afterthoughts. Spend these the same way you would in chargen (e.g. a specialization costs 1 skill point).
Quality (optional): Buy 1 rank of the Battle Hardened quality (Street Lethal, p. 181) without the x2 multiplier for postchargen quality purchases. So, +1 rank = 2 karma. The benefit: “Gain +1 to all Composure tests while engaged in a hostile situation. This quality can be taken up to three times, increasing the modifier by 1 each time. This quality does not offer any benefit versus spells or critter powers.”
Contact (AM and Bobby): For their intervention on behalf of his wife and son, AM and Bobby get Clive Clarke as a free contact. He sells shoes and tries to keep his family together. He’s not that useful but he will religiously pay Bobby ¥20 a week for six months even if it means he has to skip meals to do so. Connection 1 / Loyalty 4 (Bobby), Loyalty 5 (AM).
For Knowledge, I’m increaseing Small Unit Tactics (seems fitting with watching gang warfare), Gang Knowledge (dito) and add a point of Chemistry.
From my 20 karma I still have left over, I’m spending 2 on Animal Handling 1, 2 on Artisan 1, 2 on Running 1, 2 on Swimming 1 and another 2 on First Aid 1, leaving me with 10 Karma in reserve. Those go to increase my Flesh Crafter to IIIChapter 5:
Karma: 42 -1(Traded to Green Toes)
– 7 knowledge karma to be spent on Academic / Professional knowledge skills, or contacts related to those
– 7 knowledge karma to be spent on Language / Street knowledge skills, or contacts related to those
– 7 knowledge karma to be spent on Interest knowledge skills, or contacts related to those
I’m using the knowledge karma to raise:
Gangs 2 to 3 (3 Karma)
Military 3 to 4 (4 Karma)
Japanese – to 2 (3 Karma)
Marketing 1 to 2 (2 Karma)
Magical Threats 4 to 5 (5 Karma)
Small Unit Tactics 3 to 4 (4 Karma)
Normal Karma:
Increase AGI from 2 to 3 (15 Karma)
Skill Group Influence (5 Karma)
I’m also spending 15 Karma to get the Beast’s Way (Discount as I already have a Mentor Spirit)
I’m dedicating my Astral Perception, Killing Hands and Combat Sense as Discounted and use the free 0,5 to acquire Keratin Control (Yeah, Bobby can now grow thick fur around his nether regions to keep them warm and somewhat decent…)
That leaves 2 Karma to spend at a later time
Money: (10.050 + 3.333)*0,85 +20 -300 – 1.850 – 3.400 = 5.876 Nuyen
Bobby wants to buy himself a trode patch (w/cover) to communicate easier while transformed for 1500. Leaving 4373 Nuyen.
4000 of those, Bobby will lend to AM to help her reduce her debt quicker, 373 go to money on hand
Interlude 3:
Karma: 5 karma OR a skill specialization
Knowledge skills: 2 points to spend like we do in chargen. Alternatively, if you need/prefer knowledge karma to supplement the Chapter 5 award (e.g. to afford a new contact), we can convert the skill points into some knowledge karma.
REA 2(5) (10 Karma)
AGI 3 (10 Karma)
EDG 3 (15 Karma)
ESS 6Limit:
Phys 6
Ment 6
Soc 6(7)Qualities:
Exceptional Attribute MAG 14
Quick Healer 3
Agile Defender 3
Mentor Spirit (Beast aka: Shark) – Mentor‘s Mask 5
Taboo Transformer
Flesh Sculpter III
Barehanded Adept (Mind Link, Extended Spatial Sense, Analyze Device, Shatter Shield)
Elemental Attunement (Mastery)
National SIN (Sioux) -5
Did you just call me dumb -3
Impassive -7
Poor Self Control (Thrill Seeker) -4Skill groups:
Stealth 6
Outdoors 4
Electronics 1
Influence 1Skills:
Unarmed (Tooth and Claw) 6(8 ) +3
Spellcasting (Manipulation) 6(8 )
Gymnastics (Dodge) 6(8 )
Perception 6
Intimidate (Mental) 6(8 )
Armorer (Armor) 1(3 )
Piloting Ground 1
Pistols 6Assensing (Aura Reading) 4(6 )
Animal handling 3 (+1 from Beast’s Way)
Artisan 1,
Running 1,
Swimming 1
First Aid 1Knowledge Skills:
English (N)
Lakota 6
Sioux Sign Language 3
Japanese 2
Arcana 6
Magical Threats 4
Underworld 3 (Yakuza)
Gangs 4 (Redmond)
Zoology 5
Military (Sioux) 4(6)
Marketing 2
Small Unit Tactics 4Chemistry 1
Fighting Styles:
+ Sweep
+ CounterstrikeContacts:
Talismonger (Bill Wildwater) 5/2
Captain Razak (SDF) 4/3
Lysander (Info Broker) 4/3Livewire (Neo-Anarchist hacker) 3/3
Contact: Katsuo “Andrew” Musai, Yakuza sergeant, at Connection 4, Loyalty 3
Contact: Jhonney Morad (Israeli Weapons Dealer) Connection 3, Loyalty 1
Contact: Clive Clarke (Shoeseller) pays Bobby ¥20 a week for six months Connection 1 / Loyalty 4Adept Powers (Sioux Tradition) (Initate level 1):
Killing Hands (Discount)
Increased Reflexes 3 3,5AGI Boost 0,25
BOD Boost 0,25
Astral Perception 1 (Discount)
Adept Spell (Shapechange, Fetish) 1
Heightened Concern 0,5
Critical Strike 0,5
Combat Sense 0,5 (Discounted)
Elemental Strike (Electricity) 0,5
Elemental Body (Electricity) 1
Demara 0,5
Keratin Control 0,5
Initiation (Ordeal: Hermit) (11 karma) Power Point
Beast’s Way:
+1 Bonus to Animal Handling (+4 for any Animal Handling Tests for Predators)
Followers of the Beast’s Way may choose from the following skills for their discount bonus: Astral Perception, Berserk, Combat Sense, Elemental Strike, Enhanced Perception, Killing Hands, Magic Sense, Mystic Armor, Motion Sense, and Traceless Walk.
The adept taps into his animalistic side and can grow thick, sharp nails like some kind of beast. The Damage Value of his Unarmed Combat attacks increases by 1. Prerequisite: Keratin Control
Equipment 26000
Fake SIN 2 -4000Armored Jacket -1000
+ ShockFrills -250Critter Armor 12 -600
+Electrical Insulation 6 -1500
+Chemical Protection 6 -1500Critter Googles R6 -300
+Persona Mod (2 Electronic Packs) -500
+Flare compensation -250
+Low Light Vision -500
+Visual Enhancement R3 -1500Comlink R1 -100
Trodes -70
Respirator R6 -300
Survival Kit -200Fetish -2000
Livestyle Medium (Shared) -1850
1/4 of the Team Car -4000
Reagents 49 -1000
Stealth Tags 30 -30
Medkit R3 -1500
Miniwelder -250
Defiance Ex Shocker -250
+Laser Sight -125
+Quickdraw Holster -175+ 20 Taser Darts -100
+Peronalized Grip -100Luggage (good) (Backpack) -100
+ Roll of duct tape -5Amorer Toolkit -500
Microtransceiver -100Trode Patch (w/cover) -1500
Money on Hand 2410 (500 Nuyen lent to neighbor to keep his boy alive, 4000 lent to AM)
Recruiting Interview with Specialist Robert Walker:Son of War Shaman Yanni “Dark Crow” Walker and Environmental Engineer Elisabeth Miller (official resident).
Born August 12th 2051 in Cheyenne.
Developed strong physical magical talent during highschool, was recruited into Sioux Defense Forces at age 17, recommended for special training at 18. Completed tour of duty at [Classified] and [Classified], talent for infiltration and scout duties. Recommended for special operations, recommendation rescinded due to disciplinary problems.
Barred from further promotions, honorable discharge in 2073. Assessment by Shaman Bill Whitewater indicates severe totemic influence over personality and/or corrupted totem (Hunger/Wendigo classification).Self employed tourist guide, private detective and suspected mercenary work.
Currently in debted to the Tiošpaye.
Assessment: Ready for recruitmentCpt. Razak: Mr. Walker, how are you? It’s been a while since we met.
Robert Walker: Yeah, long time no see… Could be better, could be worse. Anyone still alive from the 16th?
CR: The 16th never dies – though no, no-one you’d know is still around. I heard you had some trouble recently? Something about a lost consignment for the extended Family?
RW: You looking for trouble? Cause asking stuff like that is a quick way to getting digested by coyotes. I’ve got nothing to do with those assholes since Charlie took over.
CR: Fair enough. But you are still looking for gainful employment, aren’t you? See kid, I always had a week spot for you and your abilities. A real shame that those pencil pushers couldn’t overlook that little scuffle you had with Seargent What’s-his-name.
RW: Ha. Asshole deserved it.
CR: Well, maybe you didn’t have to turn into a Chimpanzee, knock him out and throw your own feces at him.
RW: Didn’t have to – wanted.
CR: *Sigh* – Just for your information, it took me considerable effort to prevent them from just throwing you into prison and losing the key. The honorable discharge was the best I could do for you.
RW: And my eternal gratitude it has ensured. What do you want? I’ve got a child’s birthday party to entertain and need to get into character soon.
CR: How would you like to work for a real PI agency? In Seattle. A regular income, no troubles with the NAN authorities, interesting jobs and a new start?
RW: Yeah – what’s the catch?
CR: From time to time you’d be approached by someone who gives you a job you can’t refuse – still payed of course.
RW: So black ops on forreign soil? Eh, what the hell, I’m in. At least it can’t be as boring as the shit I do right here…
@gilga That IC post is gross and hilarious. I love it.
@Jack_Spade Do me a favor and cast Mind Link before you go up to the roof so that Bobby can stay engaged, and so that AM and Jawsey can silently communicate (via Bobby) without Matrix access.
@Tecumseh Thanks, I wanted the extended test to produce the spirit be less abstract, so I imagined what kind of work it involves.
@Beta – AM offered Jawsey to call Zwipe to be hired as a technician – if it happened it should be in Chapter 5 and not in the interlude (3 days earlier). She was thinking of Jawsey when she offered that, she has no technician contact.
@Gilga — noted, I’ll add something to the end of the last run about contacting the esaped Brain Eaters
For all that Jawsey was eager to set her up, as a player I quite like ‘Straight-Edge.’ I hate to ruin her life even more — but ‘business is business’ so if we want to take the job, I’m game.
You don’t have to make any decisions now OOCly, and additional IC information may affect your decision-making. The Interlude is more about the decision than the job.
Jawsey is not feeling very diplomatic today, apparently. But also he doesn’t just want to give the Crush what they want without push-back, sets a bad precedent.
I have no idea if there is a chance in hell of them agreeing to what he’s offered, and I’m more than happy to have the others jump in (over mind-link or out loud) to come up with other ideas or play ‘good-cop’ or whatever.
on a small camping gas stove. She use one in the lodge for the magic rituals. She also made tea to the spirits in the scene where she and Jawsey had a mind trip over the city.
@gilga Sounds good. Please roll Body x 2 vs. 1P of carbon monoxide poisoning.
@all Bobby asks some good questions ICly. Another question I would encourage you to debate is do you want Straight Edge to be found. On one hand, it’s worth good money and maybe the good graces of Big Stank if you do. On the other hand, perhaps having the Crimson Crush divided and distracted better serves your plans. They Mayor has already indicated that she may try to use Straight Edge and/or the Spyders as a wedge to fracture the new alliance. Do you want to remove that wedge, or do you like it where it is? There’s no right/wrong answer.
The answer depends entirely on wether the wedge has a chance on staying a good wedge.
And just as we aren’t paid before we deliver, we aren’t beholden to deliver at all.
Maybe Bonita is interested in making a better offer herself…
@gilga Good roll; looks like AM isn’t asphyxiating yet.
Also, it’s Straight Edge, not Straight Eagle.
@Jack_Spade Yes, all good points. It was specifically designed as a bounty rather than a job to allow for that flexibility.
@Tecumesh I use gas indoors to cook and never had problems. I’d assume that camping gear should be safe to use also indoors (I mean I made coffee in cabins, with it a lot), are on the same page as what she is using?
I was thinking about something like this:
sorry if I lack the English word for it, I only use English for PbP and for professional talks.
I fixed the name fo StraightEdge
Cooking inside with a camping stove is relatively safe if there’s reasonable ventilation, like an open window. However, given the winter weather, opening a window isn’t necessarily desirable.
As far as carbon monoxide poisoning goes, it’s more of a concern if you’re using it for an extended period of time in an enclosed space, like as a heater. Shorts bursts (like cooking) aren’t as much of an issue.
The roll is just for flavor, and to point out some of the dangers that the neighborhood might be facing without power. It’s certainly not meant to inflict lasting harm.
Maybe this isn’t a significant issue where you live – as I presume your weather never really gets cold enough to warrant using camping stoves as space heaters – but we hear about it frequently, especially during the winter when storms knock out our power. Not sure about Beta and Jack.
Good post, @gilga.
Go ahead and roll Negotiations. Since Jawsey is present, we can make a Teamwork roll with gilga as the lead and Jawsey adding support. If gilga wants to roll for beta (and add his hits to her roll) to save a step and some time, that’s fine with me. I think the cap is +4 due to AM’s Negotiation skill.
Let’s just do a straight roll. There might be some negative modifiers for prejudice or him being annoyed, but they’re offset by your positive street reputation.
Feel free to use Edge if you want to really twist the screws in him, or if you need to exceed your Social limit of 7.
Edge it is, slightly bad for us that AM takes the lead mechanically but IC it makes sense since Jawsey seems to not want to even negotiate with the man.
Roll for Jawsey (help):
Negotiation ( aid): 13d6t5 5
Now for AM 9 dice + 4 help.
Negotiation (with aid): 13d6t5 5
AM does not like Bonita and is mainly motivated by closing her debt, rather than what is good for Redmond/the world. So she’ll edge it trying to get a better offer for the team.
Negotiation (with aid) reroll: 8d6t5 2
7 hits total, all hits are kept.
I live in Israel, and more specifically In Beer Sheba in the south of Israel (in a desert) so my intuition about things does not cover Seattle.
I knew you were in Israel but not where specifically. My Seattle summer is basically the equivalent of your average winter. For example, today is 30 C and way too hot for me.
Alright, I misled you a bit about the test. The fact that Jawsey got a hit adds +1 to your Limit. It’s also entirely possible for AM to have cast Increase Charisma while she was getting some tea, and that could raise her Social Limit even more. It could also give you more dice, if you want to retroactively roll that casting and/or any additional dice for the test (and/or any additional Edge rerolls).
HHouses up my way are built as air tight as possible, to keep out cold drafts. That said, people use candles, an alcohol burners for things like keeping fondue oil or those hot rock things hot. Small flames are not a major air quality hazard.
I’d think whatever we have for the lodge would not boil much water in a hurry, because it was made to used indoors. But I don’t think it should be a major hazard to use it.
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