Found Arcana Chapter 4 OOC


  • Found Arcana Chapter 4 OOC

    Posted by jack_spade on November 26, 2019 at 5:58 pm

    As usual, space for OOC discussions.

    Please also post a link to your updated character here.

    Time wise, we are three weeks in after the second interlude. So you once again have to pay interest on your debt as well as rent and services.
    You managed to gain a few jobs – mostly small stuff about surveillance on unfaithful spouses.
    For that you can teamwork a Charisma+Etiquette (Corporate) [Social] test – every hit generates 1000 Nuyen towards your costs.

    jack_spade replied 4 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 195 Replies
  • 195 Replies
  • Tecumseh

    November 26, 2019 at 6:09 pm

    Mato’s sheet is maintained here:

    Shared Assets:

    So we’re paying rent/dues prior to Chapter IV? Is the ¥1,000 per hit toward our shared Lifestyle costs (which my bookkeeping has at ¥7,400 total, or ¥1,850 each) or what we each earn individually?

    Here’s Mato’s contribution to the Teamwork test: Charisma 3 + Etiquette 1 + Corporate spec 2: 6d6t5 2 hits

    Second Interlude was on October 16, 2078, so it sounds like we’re now a week into November 2078.

  • beta

    November 26, 2019 at 9:55 pm

    Jawsey is here:

    Jawsey has charisma+etiquette of 13, can accept up to five teamwork dice in addition. I haven’t checked AM’s sheet to see if she’s a better prime for this test?

  • gilga

    November 26, 2019 at 11:51 pm

    AM only has 9 dice, she can perhaps improve charisma but I am not sure how it would go in a test that abstracts two weeks of work.

    One more dice from AM: Charisma + Ettiquete: 9d6t5 1

    Go get them Jawsey!

  • jack_spade

    November 27, 2019 at 4:30 am

    I’m using the rules for commercial Livestyle in RF to simulate the boring day to day work you can do together to make rent.

    This test can’t be augmented with magic, unless AM is ready to maintain it 16 hours a day during the whole month.
    Edge can be used, but you all start with one less into this chapter if you do (though it might be worth it)
    Bobby has left you his share, so that at least is taken care off.

  • gilga

    November 27, 2019 at 6:08 am

    @Jack is it a teamwork test or do we just sum the hits of everyone? If it is the latter I may want to spend edge. I assume that she’ll always improve charisma for negotiations throughout the month, but I don’t think she’s up 16 hours a day maintaining a spell – (or working that long) do PI’s really work so intensely?

  • jack_spade

    November 27, 2019 at 7:53 am

    Nope, teamwork
    Only one main roll for the whole month.
    Edge to improve that roll has to be spend by all team members and won’t be available at the start of the run.

  • beta

    November 27, 2019 at 11:26 am

    regarding the roll for bit work:

    Right now we are looking at 13+2+1=16 dice. Expected outcome is 5 successes, but dice/Orokos can be fickle. I’m thinking that we roll, see if we can live with the result, then use edge to re-roll fails if necessary. I think Jawsey is OK with as few as 1 hit, although I’d hate to start November with nothing in reserve. (I seem to have deleted a portion of his character sheet on OP, and will need to go back and recover it, but I think he had 3900nY in reserve, and needs ~4300 for the month).

    @Gilga, @Tecumseh what is your required minimum, and are you ok with the ‘re-roll fails if needed’ approach?

  • gilga

    November 27, 2019 at 11:44 am

    AM is very short, she has ~500 and needs almost 2k for rent, eas it 1800? I could give up some purchases. If Jawsey scores 5 hits then she’ll be okay. We should neet 6 or 7 hits to make rent go away right?

    At any case we could sell the extra car. She is okay with rerolls.

  • beta

    November 27, 2019 at 11:54 am

    rent was about 1800 yes. So if I’m reading this correctly, she has her debt payment covered, but needs at least 2 hits to cover rent, right? And more would be a very good thing.

  • Tecumseh

    November 27, 2019 at 12:24 pm

    My first OOC post has the rent breakdown, which is ¥1,850 each or ¥7,400 total. Each hit will subtract ¥1,000 off that total, or ¥250 for each of us. Sounds like AM needs 5-6 hits.

    Mato doesn’t need any hits. He has about ¥3,000 to loan if someone is short, since that’s not enough to make a debt payment for what he owes.

    Jawsey’s Edge pool is decent so I won’t feel too guilty if he uses a point. Post-roll Edge is definitely the way to go.

  • beta

    November 27, 2019 at 12:31 pm

    -each of us gets hits with the loss of edge if I edge the roll, from what Jack said. That is why I wanted agreement from you two before going ahead.
    – but I’d mis-read the money as each, not total. So yes, many more hits needed.
    – let’s go ahead and make the initial roll: Odd jobs roll: 16d6t5 8

    8 hits, that ought to do the job without edging, as it will totally cover rent. (Thank you Orokos!)

    As a suggestion, we use that to cover our lifestyle for the month, and leave 600 in a group reserve towards the next month (Bobby can get his part back when he returns — his show as the orangutan probably helped spread word about us, so he contributed!)

  • Tecumseh

    November 27, 2019 at 1:05 pm

    Nice rolling, Beta. Evidently we’re really good at the Peeping Tom business.

    Going from the end of the roll, it looks like Mato contributed at least one hit. I’ll work that into the IC somehow.

    Sure, let’s leave the excess in a Rainy Day Fund.

  • gilga

    November 27, 2019 at 1:48 pm

    Yay! Who keep track on group assets (e.g. the car and painting and stuff)?

  • Tecumseh

    November 27, 2019 at 2:05 pm

    I have the car on my sheet plus the bookkeeping around rent. I don’t have the painting on my sheet but I suppose I could add it. That’s the govi, right?

    Or we could make a new wiki page around shared assets.

  • beta

    November 27, 2019 at 2:11 pm

    wiki page makes sense.

  • gilga

    November 27, 2019 at 3:06 pm

    Thanks for keeping track of it. Wiki page makes sense as we can all edit it.

  • Tecumseh

    November 27, 2019 at 4:22 pm

    Alright, new wiki page:

    And here’s the neighborhood one:

    I’ll update my initial OOC post with these so that they’re readily available.

  • Tecumseh

    November 27, 2019 at 9:57 pm

    I’m out of the office for a few days for U.S. Thanksgiving. My posting rate will drop and will mostly be at night while the rest of you are in bed. Since we’re at the talky-talky portion, please proceed without waiting for my input.

  • jack_spade

    November 28, 2019 at 4:19 am

    Happy Thanksgiving to you Americans 🙂

  • beta

    November 28, 2019 at 11:46 am

    Speaking of low posting periods, I’m travelling Saturday afternoon through Wednesday evening, and I’m not sure how much I’ll be posting (I’m sure the internet in Germany* is wonderful, but by the time I make it back to the hotel in the evenings jet lag may just knock me out before getting on to the computer).

    * speaking of Germany, Jack_Spade: are any of Pegasus’s ‘german language bonus releases printed in physical form, or are they all only pdf? I’ll have a bit of time to tourist on Sunday afternoon and I’m curious if I wandered by a game store what I’d see that was new to me? (not that I could read the german, but depending on price and art and available stat blocks it might still be fun to pick something up.)

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